In the past I compared my ‘publishing’ learning curve to a Mt. Everest experience. I have not changed my mind. It’s overwhelming, but I think I might at least have reached the first foothill! I have been advised that the language is different in Lay Out – Interior Design, from the regular world of printing. For example: ‘line spacing’ is known as ‘leading’, and if it’s set at 1.15 (or was it 1.5? ) that may be designated as ’14 points’. Before this week, I had thought of points only in connection with font sizes. Aaahhh the joys of learning.
So, this week has seen several important decisions finalized – and left me praying that I made the right ones. I feel as though I’ve gone 15 Rounds with a champion – and you say, it’s only Monday ?
I am encouraged. We are now in the final stages of interior book design. We still have a bit to go – but will work to complete this phase, then declare Christmas Holiday until Jan. 3 – before starting on the final leg of the journey. Cover Design happens then.
I was going to post a copy of the top contenders for the Cover – but I need to do some more learning before I can figure out how to do so in this post (haha). I refuse to be discouraged with slow progress. Relentless optimism is still my game. I’ve had some really wonderful feedback from advance reviewers, and can hardly wait to release the work to all. We’re still aiming at a January 10 launch date. I will keep you posted as we go.
Blessings to you and yours. Merry Christmas !