Ode to October 2017: Napa/Sonoma Co. Wild Fire

The past several days have been consumed by Wild Fire events in the North Bay area.  It was hard to focus on other ideas … and so I will share what processing I have been able to do thus far.  It’s been terrifying and uplifting – to see tragedy unfold, to survive, and to interact with other survivors and, most of all, to participate in such an amazing outpouring of love.

A famous sign on the highway in the heart of the valley declares

‘ … And the wine is bottled poetry.’

Here is my poetic salute to all involved (rescuers, victims, neighbors, and strangers who became friends). Thank you !


‘The love in the air is thicker than smoke’  That’s what the signs have said – like the one I just read:  It’s a message of hope... and we go on.

There are so many tales of loss and of tears; soaking more than one family’s blanket of fears.  Many ran seeking shelter, safety, and peace.  Others ready with comfort, rushed out to greet; to act, to do something, to give love hands and feet.  They ran swiftly to serve … We go on.

Fires raged through the darkness of too many nights; a perfect storm – of flames and of fright.  Thousands of homes filled with memories of life; seen as fields of dead ash – in a cold morning light.

And outside of a shelter, as twilight falls – a celebrity chef cooks dinner for all; while Cinderella and Snow White serve kids with their smiles, and pictures are taken, of joy — for awhile… as we go on.

We brought what we had – united in need; to reach out and to share what we could – words and deeds.  Music played for diversion, for solace, for fun.  Courage offered, and taken, joined us as one.  We go on.

Some brought their pets, offering sweet puppy kisses.  Others donated clothes, water, and dishes, from home – for the hungry, inquiring of wishes;  How can we help?  Do you need volunteers?  How can we Thank all who came to help here?

From all points of the compass, they answered the call; to defend lives and homes – to fight for us all.

Through long days and nights, as they witnessed our pain, they worked ceaselessly, wild-fires to contain.

So many heroes … to many to name.  Exhausted they slept, and rose once again … to go on.

Neighbors helped neighbors, all to stand fast.  We prayed for an end to the flames, and the ash; and for strength to begin putting this in the past.

We ask for new vision, for aid, and for hope … and we thank God for His blessings – Love IS thicker than smoke.  We will go on…


May this find you in peace and safety.  Until next time;

Blessings, Love and Laughter,


(Photos from FB Local posts.)

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